Testing times at home

I’m afraid that my post today is written with a bit of frustration.

As you know, Samuel came on leaps and bounds since his last surgery and seemed to be really flourishing. He took to weaning reasonably well, he gained weight and is sleeping better.

But for the past week he has been a little under the weather. He’s teething, he had a temp for a few days, he is constipated (he always is but seems to be worse now) and he has now gone off food!

He’ll try some finger food but mainly just squishes it and throws it across the kitchen! I try all different dishes but he will not open his mouth at all. But as soon as I get a yoghurt out of the fridge, his mouth is wide open and he’s shouting for me to feed him!
The last time he ate a full meal was 4 days ago and before that another 3 days. I’m worried that his fear of food will progress in to something more but I really hope that it is just a stage and will pass soon.

His feeding times are becoming very stressful and it really does get to me. I just want him to be healthy & happy.


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